Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Growing Apart! (Jude 20-21 Part 3)

But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, 21 keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.


          Jude reveals the foundation upon which believers should build: their faith and prayer. The third foundation we find Jude commanding his readers: keep yourselves in the love of God. This phrase represents the main imperative of vv 20–21. Jude described his readers as “kept by Jesus Christ” in v 1. But now he urges them to keep yourselves in the love of God.
          This is strikingly similar to Jesus’ instruction to his disciples to “remain in my love” (John 15:9). Jesus explains to his disciples that they remain in his love by obeying his commandments (15:10). It is precisely in the area of obedience to Christ’s commands that the false teachers erred so miserably. Jude reminds his readers that those who truly love God will keep themselves in God’s love. One of the ways believers keep themselves in God’s love is by obeying his commands (John 15:1–17).[1]


  • We walk away this morning with the understanding that as believers, we are to be actively involved in this relationship with Christ. This means to keep ourselves in God’s love. How do we do this? By Obedience!


          Many of us have had relationships that didn’t last. Allowing time to distance ourselves from that relationship we have been able to learn what went wrong! Majority of time, the failure of that relationship was caused by us not continuing to be actively involved. I counsel couples who start the session off by saying, “We have grown apart!” Why have they grown apart? They stopped being actively involved.
          My wife and I go out on dates. Our friends believe it is because we want to get away from the kids. There is some truth in that but as for our marriage we want to stay active in the nurturing of our relationship. For many couples, the trouble begins when they stop actively nurturing their relationship.
          The same is true in our relationship with Christ. When we start disobeying God’s word we stop actively nurturing the relationship. This is when love dissipates and we are saying “We have grown apart!” Let today be a day that you actively nurture your relationship with Christ by doing what He wants you to do. Let’s show Christ our love by our obedience.    

Blessings my friends
Pastor Rod

[1] Powers, D. G. (2010). 1 & 2 Peter/Jude: A Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition. New Beacon Bible Commentary (293). Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press.

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