Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I John 2:9

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Whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness.


          In our house our children understand that certain words are not allowed to be spoken, not even in a humorous tone. One of those words is “HATE.” I have always felt that this word is what I call, a “bomb word!” You are feeling very vulnerable or hurt so you pull out the bomb, (I HATE you/this!).
          Let’s be upfront with each other, to be a follower of Jesus Christ the word HATE needs to be removed from our vocabulary. To say you “love Jesus” and in the same sentence say “but I hate him/her” is not being unified with Christ. No were in scripture have I read Jesus saying “I hate!” I believe God only refers to hate when it comes to SIN! You have heard the old saying, “Love the sinner, and hate the sin!”
          As we will see throughout the rest of this epistle, John is very blunt about the fact that our actions should line up with that which dwells inside. For John there is no twilight. There is either light or darkness, love or hatred. Where love is absent, hatred rules in darkness. But where love prevails, there is light.[1]
          My last thought on this issue of hate is the fact that we all fall into two classes, those who are in fellowship with God, and therefore walk in light and love, and those who are not in fellowship with God, and therefore walk in darkness and hatred. This is a direct opposition; where love is not, there is hatred.  


  • I would think that after reading this passage, if there was anything in our hearts concerning hatred toward someone, the Spirit has checked us and we are going to make it right. This may be by asking that person to forgive us, forgiving that person personally, forgiving them in our heart, or just letting go of the hurts and pains that may have come from that situation. Whatever the case may be let us Love one another.


          Today can be the day that hatred is removed and love prevails. Let us remember, God loves you and also the person who has done you wrong. Love is a two way street. Offered love requires a response. When God offers His love, we can accept it or reject it.[2] The same is true for those who you offer love to. No matter what our response is, God LOVES US. No matter what their response is to us, let’s LOVE THEM!


Blessings my friends
Pastor Rod

[1] Kistemaker, S. J., & Hendriksen, W. (1953-2001). Vol. 14: New Testament commentary : Exposition of James and the Epistles of John. New Testament Commentary (263). Grand Rapids: Baker Book House.
[2] Hobbs, H. H. (1990). My favorite illustrations (79). Nashville, TN: Broadman Press.

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