Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I John 3:11-12 (Part 3)

View Video Blog, Right Click Link:  I John 3:11-12 (Part 3)

For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. 12 We should not be like Cain, who was of the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own deeds were evil and his brother’s righteous.

Disclaimer: [Today we are celebrating the day after Thanksgiving (Black Friday)! With my wife by my side I will be experiencing things that no man should ever have to experience, SHOPPERS! (All of this is from my perspective)! So I think it is important for all who are heading out to read our devotionals before head.]


What we discussed in our last devotional was, as believers in the faith, we must remember Love is not based on emotion or worthiness but a commandment from God. It is something we choose to do!
John goes on to further help the readers understand what he is meaning by looking at the total opposite of Love: HATE! He points out a person that all would know and understand: CAIN! He is very forthright when he states “We should not be like Cain!” He goes on to explain the basis of this hatred “the evil one” and tells of the result of this evil, he “murdered his brother.”
Love had disappeared from Cain’s heart and evil was waiting in the wing to overtake. This is what we as Christians face each and every day.


  • What we walk away with this morning is understanding that we choose who will rule us: good or evil, Christ or Satan. What dwells in the core of our hearts is what will be displayed. What was in Cain’s heart was what came forth. The same is true with us as believers. The Nature/Spirit that dwells inside of us is what we will produce. The battle will still rage inside (good vs evil) because we have not been removed from this fallen world. But one thing is for sure, if we allow our deeds to be that of the Holy Spirit we will not be like Cain!


Cain has been a topic of discussion for many years when it comes to believers. I recall speaking to a crowd and one heckler kept shouting, “Where did Cain get his wife?” “When I could ignore him no longer, I replied, “When I get to heaven, I’ll ask him!” “Suppose he isn’t in heaven?” the guys yelled. I replied, “Then you can ask him!”
Let the Love of God rule our hearts today and not the desire to get a good deal or have things go our way. Be safe and remember let’s not be like CAIN!       

Blessings my friends
Pastor Rod

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