The elder to the
beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth.
Like 2 John, this letter begins with the usual A to B greeting formula in
which the author identifies himself as the
elder. John addresses his letter to the
beloved Gaius. The name Gaius is found in four other places in the NT, and
in each case the one bearing this name is associated with the apostle Paul.[1]
The elder describes Gaius as one whom I love in truth (en alētheia). This expression can be understood
in two ways: (1) ‘in the truth’ (as in the NIV); or (2) ‘truly’. In the first
case, the elder would be saying that he loves Gaius, who, like him, is ‘in the
truth’, that is, is one who continues faithful to the truth concerning Jesus
Christ as it was heard at the beginning. In the second case the elder would be
simply saying that he ‘truly’ loves Gaius. The first option almost certainly
reflects what John intended; for in v. 3 he mentions reports he has heard from
others of how Gaius continues ‘to walk in the truth’.[2]
- We walk away with the understanding that, just like developing a love for a friend, John had a love for Gaius. WHY? Because they had a commonality; JESUS! The truth concerning Christ is the seed that helps grow our love among believers.
I remember being approached by a man after a Sunday morning service. He asks
to speak to me alone. We sat down in my office and he started out the
conversation with this statement, “I love Jesus, but I hate that woman!” (Referring
to a lady of the church). I have to admit, there are not too many times I am at
a loss for words but this was one of those times. I was so taken back by the
thought that as a believer and lover of the truth someone could actually say “I
hate someone!”
What brings us together as believers is the Love of Christ. It’s not just
the love that he has for us that binds us but the Love we have for our brothers
and sisters in Christ. The scripture is very clear, For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we
should love one another. (I John 3:11) My prayer for us this morning is that we know the truth. Once we know IT, we will not be able to say, "I love Jesus but I hate that person." The truth is what will set us free to LOVE!
Blessings my friends
Pastor Rod
Kruse, C. G. (2000). The letters of John.
The Pillar New Testament commentary (220). Grand Rapids, Mich.; Leicester,
England: W.B. Eerdmans Pub.; Apollos.
Kruse, C. G. (2000). The letters of John.
The Pillar New Testament commentary (220). Grand Rapids, Mich.; Leicester,
England: W.B. Eerdmans Pub.; Apollos.
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