After him Pedaiah the
son of Parosh 26 and the temple
servants living on Ophel repaired to a point opposite the Water Gate on the
east and the projecting tower.
This morning we are going to skip a few
verses due to the understanding that it took many to rebuild the wall and “all”
were instrumental. Today we want to look at the “Water Gate.” The “Water Gate”
led from the palace-temple complex to the Gihon Spring (cf. 8:1, 3, 16; 12:37).[1]
The Nethinim were
servants, and it is only fitting that they should have the care of this gate, for water
is very generally a type of the word of God. “Wherewithal shall a young man
cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to Thy word” (Ps. 119:9).
We do not read of any
repairs being made here, only that the Nethinim dwelt over against the water
gate. Possibly this port needed none. At any rate, we know that of which it
speaks needs not to be repaired, for the word of God liveth and abideth
forever. All vain man’s assaults upon the word of God have left it uninjured and unchanged.
We are called upon to defend it, contending earnestly for the faith once for
all delivered to the people of God, but it would be irreverent to attempt to patch
or improve it.
The water of the Word is
what Christ uses to wash His disciples’ feet and to keep them free from
defilement (John 13:1–16; 15:3). It is written: “Christ also loved the Church, and gave Himself for it, that He might
sanctify and cleanse it by the washing of water by the Word,” etc. (Eph.
5:25, 26).[2]
- We walk away this morning with the understanding that just as the “Valley Gate” resembled humility, the “Dung Gate” resembled cleansing, and the “Fountain Gate” resembled the filling of the Spirit, the “Water Gate” resembles the watering of the Word of God that is needed in one’s life.
Billy Graham said: “In August of 1949, I was so filled with doubts about
everything that when I stood to preach and made a statement, I would say to
myself: I wonder if that is the truth. I wonder if I can really say that
sincerely. My ministry had gone."
“I then took the Bible up into the high Sierra
Nevada mountains in California. I opened it and got on my knees. I pled,
’Father I cannot understand many things in this Book. I cannot come
intellectually all the way, but I accept it by faith to be authoritative, the
inspired Word of the living God! ’”
I am convinced there is nothing
more significant, more important, or more powerful than the word of God. It
needs to be the very water we bathe with every morning before we take a shower.
Today, let God’s word become like the air you breath: vital and necessary!
Blessings my friends
Pastor Rod
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