Friday, December 23, 2011

I John 3:24 (Part 2)

No Video Blog for this Devotional!

Whoever keeps his commandments abides in God, and God in him. And by this we know that he abides in us, by the Spirit whom he has given us.


           In this verse John introduces the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. How does God dwell in the heart of the believer? Through the work and testimony of the Holy Spirit. No believer can ever say that he does not know whether God lives within him. The Spirit of God testifies in the heart of the Christian and gives him this knowledge and assurance.[1]
          The crowning evidence of this mutuality of life is that God gives the Spirit. Obeying God’s commands and doing what pleases him (v 22) demonstrates faith in God’s Son, Jesus Christ (v 23). God demands that we love one another (v 23). Our obedience to this and, indeed, all God’s commands means we live in him (v 24). The Spirit he gave us (v 24) bears witness to the intimacy of this relationship. It is this Spirit of faith and love who enables us to believe and to love, thus enabling us to know that God lives in us. So God (Father), Jesus Christ (Son), and the Holy Spirit all are affirmed together in this portion.[2]


  • We walk away this morning with the understanding that we can rest assure that the love that pours from us bears witness to the one who dwells inside us. Our actions, attitude, and words will demonstrate what and who dwells inside our hearts.


           One summer a man spent some time at Mount Robson, British Columbia, where he camped and lived with fellow mountaineers of the Alpine Club of Canada. On a rainy day a group of them were drinking tea in a tent, when a discussion arose about religion. A young scientist turned to the man with a patronizing air and said, “But you don’t really believe, do you, that Jesus is the Son of God?” he said. “How do you know it is true?” The man simply did what any other convinced man would have done: He looked him straight in the eye and said: “How do I know that Jesus is the Son of God? I know it, because I know Him personally.” For at least a half-minute their eyes locked. Then he turned away. The argument was over.
          I pray this morning you understand that if you have: asked, believe, and have confessed, You then have the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Not a portion of Him but ALL. Why? Because you know Him personally!

Blessings my friends
Pastor Rod

[1] Kistemaker, S. J., & Hendriksen, W. (1953-2001). Vol. 14: New Testament commentary : Exposition of James and the Epistles of John. New Testament Commentary (319). Grand Rapids: Baker Book House.
[2] Williamson, R. (2010). 1, 2, & 3 John: A Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition. New Beacon Bible Commentary (129–130). Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press.

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