Friday, November 4, 2011

I John 3:2

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Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is.


          In studying the Word of God one of the things to look for is repeated words or phrases. When we see this we need to pay close attention to it. There is a reason the writer repeats these words or phrases. An example in our day and time; “Son, I want you go throughout the house and empty all the trash cans. After you have finished that take the trash out to the garage. Once all the trash is collected take it out to the street for the garbage collectors to pick it up.” Repeated word is “Trash!” Why? The word “trash” is the main focus of the conversation.
          In this verse the word “WE” is repeated 5 times. John is trying to reconnect the believers with the one true God. It may appear they have been swayed by the teachings of the Gnostics. John says WE …
  1. … are God’s Children!
  2. … will be gloriously resurrected! 
  3. … know all about Christ! 
  4. … shall be like Him in the resurrection!
  5. … shall see him as He is!


  • We walk away this morning with the understanding that everything God has done is because He LOVES us! We are His children because he loves us. We will be gloriously resurrected because He loves us. He has revealed Christ to us because He loves us. He sent His son so that we may be like Him because he loves us. We shall have an opportunity to be in heaven with God because He loves us.


A young woman grew up in dire poverty in the heartland of the country. A benefactor made it possible for her to take a trip to the coast where for the first time she saw the ocean. Captivated, she stood gazing at its vastness. In awe she was heard to say, “Thank God for something of which there is more than enough!” So it is with God’s love. We stand in awe of its vastness. There is more than enough!
If you don’t know this I want to make sure you walk away this morning hearing it from me, “God Loves You!” He always has and He always will. It’s what we do in response to this love that makes the difference.
Blessings my friends
Pastor Rod

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