Thursday, February 2, 2012

Let Love be the Standard (I John 4:19)

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We love because he first loved us.


The first part of the sentence is incomplete. John writes, “We love.” Some ancient manuscripts, however, have the reading him or God to serve as the direct object of the verb love. Therefore, at least two translations have the reading we love him (KJV, NKJV).[1]
As I read this passage I would lean toward the understanding that “We love” stands alone without the addition of “Him or God” as the KJV and the NKJV would like to indicate! Translating from the Greek there is not a word that follows to translate. Plus the idea of love is not just to Love God but to love others as well.
We are able to love since God “first loved us” and thereby enables our human response of loving. This is a statement of fact—we do love, rather than an appeal—“Let us love.” Love is not self-originated, but it is of divine origin. Love, like holiness, finds its source and definition in God. We cannot become truly holy or genuinely loving by our own striving. Only when we have received the holy love or loving holiness of the Creator God can we claim these qualities. So it is all of grace.[2]

  • We walk away with the understanding that Love originates from God. Love is dispersed by us (WE): back to God and to our fellow man. WHY? Because God first loved us.


           Growing up, I had this idea that if I was the opposite, in character, of my father then I would be a great dad, husband, and man. What I failed to realize was that my standards were based on something that was broken. My roll model was someone who was broken himself and I planned on doing the opposite of what he did.
          The result was something a little better than how I was raised. To quote the movie “Courageous,” “You’ve been a good enough father!” “I don’t want to be good enough.” If I am going to be all that God wants me to be then I have to allow him to be the standard. If I want to experience and release the Love of God then I have to allow His love to be the standard. Today, let HIS LOVE be the very thing that flows from you! We love because He first loved us.

Blessings my friends
Pastor Rod

[1] Kistemaker, S. J., & Hendriksen, W. (1953-2001). Vol. 14: New Testament commentary : Exposition of James and the Epistles of John. New Testament Commentary (342). Grand Rapids: Baker Book House.
[2] Williamson, R. (2010). 1, 2, & 3 John: A Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition. New Beacon Bible Commentary (151). Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press.

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