Monday, September 26, 2011

I John 2:10-11 (Part 3)

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Whoever loves his brother abides in the light, and in him there is no cause for stumbling. But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes.


          Looking at this verse, it is very similar to that of verse 9. Many of the scholars believe verse 11 is the expansion of verse 9 concerning “darkness.” What we read is John expounding on this darkness and how detrimental it can be. This darkness John is referring to is the result of “Hate.” We can only assume John has seen individuals claiming to be followers of Jesus but not demonstrating the very basics of a believer: LOVE! John expounds on the contrast of light and darkness in this epistle.
          Hatred is part of darkness! It associates itself with two things: choice and blindness! This verse reveals the fact that “whoever hates his brother” is someone who chooses to hate. It is not as if they woke up one morning and accidentally hated their brother. People choose to hate and the same can be said when it comes to love.
John states that in this darkness we don’t know where we are going due to being blind. We go blind due to the fact that we are no longer in the light. We have heard that we can go blind if we are in darkness for a long period of time. The reason for this is because the light- and color-reception rods and cones in the cells, compounding your eye, go unused for a long period of time, and eventually die, causing blindness. One example of this fact is found in the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky were the fish in Echo River have eye-sockets, but no eyes.[1] This is caused by the fact that they are in complete darkness.


  • What we can walk away with this morning is the understanding that the longer one remains in darkness, eventually they will go blind unless they turn and walk toward the light.
  • Looking at the opposite effects to darkness we can glean this fact; if we love, we are in the light, we can walk in the light, and we are able to see everything around us.


           I remember during the earlier days of our marriage my wife and I use to have “discussions” (Translated- arguments)! I use to say to her, “You are making me mad.” She would calmly respond, “No I am not; you are choosing to get mad.” Looking back, I can admit that my wife was absolutely right. What she was saying and what John is sharing with the readers of this Epistle is, the fact, that we choose. We choose to walk in the light or in the darkness. What choice are you going to make today? My prayer is that you and I both choose the LIGHT!
Blessings my friends
Pastor Rod

[1] Robertson, A. (1997). Word Pictures in the New Testament (1 Jn 2:11). Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems.

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