Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I John 2:12

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I am writing to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven for his name’s sake.


          In verses 12-13 we see the statement, “I am writing to you” repeated three times. As we study the word of God one of the things we should pay attention to is repeated words or phrases. John repeats this statement so we need to look at the reason why. With certainty, we can say John is referring to this Epistle and not some other letter. In a letter, when someone writes “I am writing to you” is will be followed by the reason why they are writing. The scripture is no different. After all three incidences, John tells the reader why he is writing this Epistle.
          In this verse John holds no punches! He starts with the very foundational pillar of Christianity; Forgiveness of Sin! John goes on to say for his name’s sake. To do something on account of the name of a person is the same as doing it on account of that person. Forgiveness ‘on account of the name’ is shorthand for what is spelled out more fully elsewhere. God forgives our sins because of Jesus Christ, the one whom he sent as the atoning sacrifice for our sins.[1]
          I share all of this with you this morning because it will help us to understand the next couple of verses. The thing that stands out to me in this passage is the statement, “little children!” Most scholars believe John is referring to “all” and not just children or immature believers. John uses the term “children” frequently throughout his writings. This presents the feel of an authoritative figure (Pastor of sort) sharing the written word. When he says, “I write,” he means that his words, being penned, are permanent. The members of the church are apt to forget the spoken word, but that which is written stays. [2]


As a new believer in Christ I struggled with the fact that I WAS FORGIVEN. I still stand in amazement today to the fact of God’s Love for me, He forgives me! All I have to do is ask. If you struggle with the same thing let me say this, “YOU ARE FORGIVEN!” The next time Satan tries to get you to think you are not go back to that moment you asked Christ into your heart or remember this moment and relive it over and over again. It will remind you that “God forgave so Satan go away.”

I heard about a tribe of Eskimos, the Moravians. The missionaries, who first went to these Eskimos, could not find a word in their language for forgiveness, so they had to compound one. The compound word is,  “Issumagijoujungnainermik.” It is a long assembly of letters, but an expression that has a beautiful connotation for those who understand it. It means: “Not-being-able-to-think-about-it-anymore.” Let Jesus do this for us today. So that those sins that we have been forgiven for will not be able to be thought of anymore.
Blessings my friends
Pastor Rod

[1] Kruse, C. G. (2000). The letters of John. The Pillar New Testament commentary (89). Grand Rapids, Mich.; Leicester, England: W.B. Eerdmans Pub.; Apollos.
[2] Kistemaker, S. J., & Hendriksen, W. (1953-2001). Vol. 14: New Testament commentary : Exposition of James and the Epistles of John. New Testament Commentary (265). Grand Rapids: Baker Book House.

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