Friday, September 16, 2011

I John 2:5-6 (Part 3)

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but whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected. By this we may know that we are in him: whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.


          Today’s devotional is filled with some good stuff. But isn’t all of God’s word GOOD STUFF? As we look at verse 6 today we will find something interesting. The first part of the verse reads, whoever says he abides in him ought to walk! I want to key in on the word “ought!” The Greek word used in this passage is opheilei, which means TO OWE. As you can see, it gives this passage a deeper feel for what John is saying. It is not just a suggestion to walk as Jesus walked but a sense of payment. Now we know that our salvation is not something we receive by works (paying it off) but by faith.
          An example of this, in our day and time, would be someone doing you a huge favor, such as coming over and helping you fix your car when it broke down, without accepting payment of any kind. Being an honorable person you would have a sense of some type of reimbursement. John is implying that if we say we are going to remain in (abide) Jesus the lease we can do is walk the way He walked.
          The last word that stands out in this verse is “walk.” The same Greek word is used in both instances, “peripateĊ” which means: a way a person conducts oneself. John is saying that we owe it to Jesus, for the sacrifice on the cross, to conduct ourselves as he conducted himself while on this earth. This is not out of some type of payment for His sacrifice on the cross but out of love for His sacrifice on the cross. Jesus walked in the light and John believes we should to do the same. Our actions should be that of Jesus, nothing more but definitely, nothing less.


  •          This morning let us remember the sacrifice Christ made on the cross for you and I.
  •          Let us also remember as Christ walked in the light we need to as well.
  •          Finally, let our conduct match that which of Jesus. Nothing more, and definitely, nothing less!


          I was filling in one Sunday for the teacher of our young boys’ class. I asked them a simple question, “What do you think Jesus was like?” I was expecting an answer like: He was a good man; He was a poet; He was a carpenter; He was like God. To my surprise one little fellow raised his hand and replied, “I think Jesus was like my Sunday School teacher.”
Has anyone ever compared your demeanor and deeds to those of Jesus?

Blessings my friends
Pastor Rod

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